Friday, September 16, 2011

What influences someone to become a terrorist?

Please answer this question.  You may use research or your own opinion.  Please defend your argument.  Have a great weekend.  -Mr. Caravano


  1. I think something that influences someone to be a terrorist is the feeling of being appreciated by other terrorists for hurting people. I also think leaders such as Osama Bin Laden were such good leaders that the terrorists were almost excited to work with someone the looked up to so much. Lastly, I feel that terrorists are influenced by the things they see on the news about the war thats currently going on and how much the terrorists just hate Americans.

    -Cameron Winters period 3

  2. I think people being influenced to become terrorists is because they might not have much options left but to become a terrorist. They want to put intimidating thoughts into people's minds to get the point across that they are mad at you, but they aren't paying much attention. Like if a country isn't listening to someone's threats, they might want to actually hurt someone or something from the country to get the point across. That's a possibility.

  3. April Neiss.

    i think wat influences someone is the laws and government that are in this country. also about money and if some one doesnt like the president they could be a terrorist against him and what to hurt him..

  4. i think what influences a person to be a terrorist is that they didnt get there way with the government. Since they didnt get there way they you violence to get there point acrossed.
    -david lunn

  5. Perhaps one thing that sways individuals to become terrorists is that much of what a person sees in life is subject to interpretation based upon perspective. It isn't hard to convince people that injustices exist and need to be countered by whatever means necessary, including terrorist acts, particularly when all of the information that they have taken in throughout their life was based upon a similar foundation.

  6. something that influences a person to be a terrorist is hate, because Osama Bin Laden hated America and he caused the incident on September, 11. Also we got bomb threats from Al Queada because America killed Bin Laden and now Al Queada hates America there fore they sent America bomb threats to America out of hate.

    Kyle Mattina

  7. I think that at times people turn to terrorism because they don't have other choices. In some of the areas where terrorism has a stronghold, there is very little opportunity for children -they don't receive a public education, there are no jobs, etc. If we can help to provide better opportunities than turning to terrorism (which I see as a type of gang where they go for food, protection, and family) then this cycle of hate will continue without end.
