Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are You Down With L,L,P?

Are you familiar with John Locke and his ideas about natural rights?  Please include a description of your extra credit assignment.  Are you down with L,L,P (Yeah You Know Me)?


  1. Today, some 7th grader on the Cross Country team asked me what LLP is! I told him that LLP was the natural rights that John Locke believes everyone is born with! He thanked me for teaching him something new!

  2. At school today many of my friends asked me whats L.L.P? I told them that L.L.P was were the man named John Locke came up with the phrase, then I told them it meant Life, liberty, Property. Jesse Havens P.2

  3. Mrs. Constantino and Mrs. Errico asked me what LLP was. I told them it meant Life Liberty and property. Some other friends asked what it meant and i told them the same things i told the teachers Life Liberty Property.

  4. Well, I'm late and blablabla. Well, now-a-days L.L.P would commonly be reffered to as life, liperty, and the persuit of happiness. Because the government can take away property with ease.

  5. life liberty proporty !


  6. Due to current economic conditions it is now life liberty and poverty.

  7. you know me

